
Cancellation Policy for Consumers
There is no right of cancellation for off-site sales agreements for the delivery of audio or video recordings or of software if the media have been unsealed by the customer.

Cancellation policy

Cancellation right

You may, without stating reasons, revoke your contract declaration within 14 days in text form (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail) or by returning the article if it is delivered to you before such period lapses. The period begins upon receipt of this policy in text form, but not prior to the arrival of the goods at the recipient (in the case of recurring delivery of goods of the same type, not prior to the arrival of the first partial delivery) and also not prior to the fulfillment of our duties to provide information pursuant to Article 246 Section 2 in conjunction with Section 1 (1) and (2) of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) and of our duties in accordance with the first sentence of Section 312e (1) of the BGB in conjunction with Article 246 Section 3 of the EGBGB. The timely dispatch of the notice of cancellation or the article is sufficient to meet the cancellation deadline. The notice of cancellation should be addressed to:

represented by the Management Board, Marc Pelzer, Alberto Reinhart
Auf dem Zimmermann 7-9
78078 Niedereschach, Germany

E-mail: info@touratech.de

Consequences of cancellation

In the event of an effective cancellation, goods and services received by the respective parties and any benefits derived therefrom (e.g. interest) must be returned. If you are entirely or partially unable to return the goods received, or only in deteriorated condition, you must compensate us to that extent. This shall not apply to the surrender of goods if the deterioration of the article can be attributed exclusively to trying it out–just as might have been possible for you in a store. You are not required to pay compensation for deterioration which arises through the proper use of the article. Articles which are capable of being shipped as a parcel are to be returned at our risk. You must bear the regular cost of return shipment if the goods were delivered as ordered and if the price of the article to be returned does not exceed 40.00 euros or, if the price of the article is higher, you have not yet rendered the consideration or a contractually stipulated partial payment at the time of cancellation. Otherwise, the return shipment is without charge to you. Articles which cannot be shipped as a parcel will be picked up from you. Obligations to reimburse payments must be satisfied within 30 days. The time period begins for you upon sending your notice of cancellation or the article. For us, it begins upon their receipt.

End of the cancellation policy 

We kindly request that, for the return shipment, you use the return card enclosed with the original delivery of goods. Your statutory rights are not affected by this request.


Touratech Copyright © 2021

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